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Who are People on the Playing Cards?

King of spades: David / Dawood pbuh: An Israeli prophet according to Islam, but according to Jewish beliefs, he is an Israeli king not a prophet. • You can watch video instead of reading article King of clubs: Alexander III of Macedon / Alexander the great / Alexander of Macedon: A King of Greek Macedonia, he was considered one of the most famous military leaders in history. King of hearts: Charlemagne / Charles: The king of the Franks (768-800) , and the king of Holy Roman Empire .(800-814) King of diamonds: Julius Caesar: The Roman Emperor ( 49 B.C- 44 Bc), the first person to acquire the title of "Emperor". Queen of spades: Pallas / Athena: A synonym of Athena, the goddess of wisdom and strength, and the goddess of war, and the protector goddess of the city in Greek mythology. Queen of clubs: Regina / Argine: An ambiguous unknown person. Argine is the anagram of the
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