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Cartoon History

Vienna 1833, the Belgian Josef Plateau and the Austrian Simon von Stampfer invented the Fantascope: a simple device for displaying anime. The device comprises a disk on which a series of pictures are drawn When the disk rotates the sequence of the rotating pictures creates a visual sense of animation Only one year later, in 1834 William George Horner invented the Zoetrope, which It was based on the principle of Fantascope nearly, it was different in being cylindrical in shape. it rotates displaying a series of pictures drawn on its inner surface, When viewed across one of its outside slots the drawings seem animated.

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A new invention came to light in 1868 in Birmingham, the flipbook. The patent was registered as John Barnes Lynnette although the real inventor was Pierre Hubert Desvignes.

Charles Emile Reynaud, a science teacher, invented the praxinoscope in France, 1877, It was very similar to the Zoetrope, but the side viewing slots were replaced by mirrors at the middle.

The mirrors reflected the drawings of the sides allowing better viewing Later on Reynaud developed his device to a new one called Theatre Optique, this device allows to view an animation on the theatre by using light projection technique.

In 1892 he released his first animation film, POUVRRE PIERROT to the public It consisted of 500 frames of drawn pictures and that comprises 15 minutes time. The total number of audiences was 500,000 people.

Later on in 1900, the first attempt for an animated film (The Enchanted Drawing) was made. It was produced by the Anglo- American James Stuart Blackton who, after 6 years, in1906 produced the first full-time cartoon "Humorous Phases of funny faces". Thus Stuart is considered the founding father of American Animation. The scenes of the film were drawn on a board then photographed the modifications were made manually.

As for Europe, the French Emile Cohle made his first cartoon (Fantasmagorie) in1908. The film has a black background, because each frame was drawn separately then it was plaeced on the ribbon. Afterwards Winsor McCay, an American journalist cartoonist, built on the experiences of his predecessor. assembled a team of painters in order to draw more vivid and sophisticated drawings. He was able to produce three successful cartoons:

Little Nemo 1911,

Gertie the Dinosaur 1914,

and Sinking of Lusitania 1918.

In his films, McCay adopted a principle similar to the flip book as he drew each shot on a separate sheet.

In 1914, too, John Randolph Bray launched a cartoon production company in New York City. One of Bray`s employees, Earl Hurd, got the patent for inventing celluloid technology: the technology that ignited a revolution in the techniques of creating animations.

According to this technology, a consistent background was drawn on transparent celluloid sheets to generate image sequence. The company produced (Colonel Heeza Liar): a short film based on the principles of 1915.

From 1915 on, American cinema produced many series of cartoons. Some of the film characters were quoted from (Comics), and many cartoonists created new characters.

one of them is the retired Max Fleischer who created the character of Petti Poob and who transformed the character of Sailor (Popeye) from a Comic into the most famous cartoon character ever created.

In 1920 Otto Messmer created the character of the cat Felix in the studios of Pat Sullivan His films were distributed widely and attracted a large number of audiences

Felix was the first cartoon which distributed commercially.

In Germany, to, Walter Ruttmann attempted to make cartoons, but Nazi censorship stopped the development of this art after 1933.

In 1923 in Los Angeles, Walt Disney opened a cartoon film studio. His first project was (Alice`s Wonderland), and the (Alice comedy) film series, it was about a real girl interacting with cartoon characters. But the real breakthrough of Disney was the production of the first cartoon with a sound track, making a foundation for a new era of cartoon industry. This film name was (Steamboat) 1928, the third film of the famous Mickey Mouse.

The Warner Bros company was established. Warner Bros dealt intelligently with its rival Walt Disney: while everyone knew that the drawings of Walt Disney`s cartoons were scrutinized by him in person,

the Warner Bros allowed a wider margin for its team in creating the cartoon characters. Warner Bros introduced to the world (Looney Tunes) series 1930.

In 1932 the first colored film was produced by Disney, it was called (Trees and Flowers) which won the Oscar. Then, in a short time, colored films became the basis. Walt Disney realized that it was ime to make a separation between the painters and story ,in order to focus on the story and fill it with a valuable dose of different emotions and more sophisticated characters, so he established a special section for story, he succeeded in that by producing his first film (Three Little Pigs) cartoon film that had more developed and more sophisticated characters than those of his predecessors.

Disney, at that time, was more intimate to kids, with a content poking them, than his rival Warner Bross who tended to violence. Disney went on monopolizing the production of (Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs) 1937, which is considered to be the first long film in English.

Nevertheless, there were seven long films from different countries earlier Snow White was characterized by its hand-drawn cartoons, in contrast with the others who used techniques.  Due to the success made by Snow white, Disney started producing long cartoons.

Another American Companies produced short films, the most famous of it was (Tom and Jerry) films, it was produced by (Metro Goldwyn Mayer) company by the duet (William Hanna- Josef Barbera)

who quitted from Disney`s company and established their own (Hanna and Barbera) company, in 1957.

One year After establishing (Hanna-Barbara) company. In 1958, it launched the first cartoon series with a duration of half an hour for each episode. In 1969 it launched the famous (The Flintstones) series. The first cartoon series that was broadcasted at prime time. From that time on TV was able to attract public attention from cartoons displayed on cinema.

Cartoons went on developing and flourishing, and there came out new various companies competing in story, technique and objective, to gain the satisfaction of most public. As the case of other domains, computer was present in cartoon industry on many aspects: either the technique of manual digital drawing, as in the famous series (The Simpsons), which adopted earlier the classical technique of cartoon industry in 1989, or by the Computer-generated Imagery (CGI), where 3-D characters are created and animated.

The Pixar Studios produced, fully by computer, the first longest cartoon (Toy Story) in 1995. Entering computer into cartoons industry allowed a continuous and quick development of ideas and graphics and facilitated cartoons industry very much, in comparison with its state last century.

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