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Who are People on the Playing Cards?

King of spades:
David / Dawood pbuh: An Israeli prophet according to Islam,
but according to Jewish beliefs, he is an Israeli king not a prophet.

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King of clubs:
Alexander III of Macedon / Alexander the great / Alexander of Macedon:
A King of Greek Macedonia, he was considered one of the most famous military leaders in history.

King of hearts:
Charlemagne / Charles: The king of the Franks(768-800) ,
and the king of Holy Roman Empire .(800-814)

King of diamonds:
Julius Caesar: The Roman Emperor (49B.C-44Bc),
the first person to acquire the title of "Emperor".

Queen of spades:
Pallas / Athena: A synonym of Athena, the goddess of wisdom and strength,
and the goddess of war, and the protector goddess of the city in Greek mythology.

Queen of clubs:
Regina / Argine: An ambiguous unknown person.
Argine is the anagram of the word "Regina" which means "queen" in Latin.

Queen of hearts:
Judith: A Biblical mythical personality who represents the ideal Jewish woman.
Judith was a virtuous pretty woman who saved her people from a massacre that the Assyrians had almost done to them.

Queen of diamonds:
Rachel: According to Old Testament, Rachel was the second wife of the prophet Jacob and the mother of the prophet Josef "peace be upon them both".

Jack of spades:
Ogier: A mythical knight of Charlemagne.
He was depicted in many old French chansons de geste.

Jack of clubs:
Lancelot: A character of "King Arthur" British myth.
He was one of the Round Tables` knights, and the most important companion of King Arthur.

Jack of hearts:
La Hire: He was a French military leader during the Hundred Year War,
he was considered the most important hero of that war.

Jack of diamonds:
Hector: According to Greek and Roman mythology, Hector had been the prince of Troy and the most important hero of Troy, and he had repulsed the Greeks` attacks during the siege of Troy before Achilles killed him.

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