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Strange Coincidences From World

Two American sisters were living in different American cities, they didn't meet for few years, so the Youngest sister "Sheila Wentworth, 45 years old" decided to drive her car to visit her sister "Doris Jean Hall51 , years old at the same time ,the elder sister decided to drive her car to visit  her youngest sister, and none of them told her sister about the visit the two sisters were driving their Jeeps on the same highway. but, in opposite directions when one of them lost the control and her vehicle crossed the median strip and collided her sister, and died together!!!

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In 1971, George Feifer’s personal copy of his novel "The Girl from Petrovka" heavily annotated in the margins, had been stolen from his car in a London street. Two years later, the film rights of the novel were sold and Anthony Hopkins was cast to play the Lead.
Hopkins tried to buy a copy of the novel, but despite trying several bookshops in London, there was not a copy to be had!
Disappointed, he started his journey back home on the way, he noticed an open parcel on a seat in the train station, he half suspected a bomb and inspected it with caution, but it was a book: George Feifer’s "The Girl from Petrovka" the very book he had been trying to buy.
Later, meeting Feifer in Vienna, Hopkins showed the author the book. It was the author’s personal copy stolen two years previously.

In 1953, the journalist Irving Kupcinet was in London to cover the coronation of Elizabeth II. In a drawer of the Savoy hotel room where he stayed, he found personal belongings of an old friend "Harry Hannin". The basketball player of the Harlem Globetrotters.
The story didn`t end by this, in two days a letter sent by Hannin was delivered to Kupcinet, in which he read: "You won't believe it, I've just found in the drawer of my room in Hotel Meurice in Paris a necktie with your name on it"
Surely Kupcinet had stayed in that hotel few days earlier and had forgotten his necktie there.

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In June 2001, Laura Buxton was celebrating her 10th birthday in her house in Blurton, Staffordshire with all her friends. She decided to release a balloon in the party, she attached with the balloon a luggage label on which she wrote her name and her age, she demanded of the person who finds the balloon to get in touch with her. The balloon floated 140 miles and rested finally on the house of another girl in Pewsey,Wiltshire.
The girl name also was "Laura Buxton". The two girls got in touch and became friends. Later, they discovered that they shared many things:
The two "Laura Buxton" were 10 years old, each one of them owned a black Labrador, a guinea pig and a rabbit!!

Sue Hamilton was working alone in her office in July 1992, when the fax machine broke down. After trying unsuccessfully to fix it, she decided to call her colleague "Jason Pegler" who had set off home a little earlier finding his home number pinned up on a noticeboard. She called him up and began to explain the problem, but Jason quickly stopped her: "I'm not at home!!!! "
"I just happened to be walking past this phone box when I heard the phone ringing, so I answered it".
The number Sue had found on the noticeboard wasn't Jason's phone number, it was his employee number. Amazingly it turned out to be the same as the number of the phone box that Jason was walking past when she called!!

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After the outbreak of the WWI, French intelligence agents arrested a German spy "Peter Karpin", in France. They kept the arrest secret and sent fake reports from Karpin to his superiors at the same time intercepting money sent in on his behalf back to France.
The funds were used to buy a car. Later on, in 1917, Karpin escaped and returned to Germany.
Years later, after the war was over, France occupied German Ruhr. The car, which was bought by German money ran down and killed a German man in German Ruhr. The victim was "Peter Karpin", himself!!

An ambitious writer handed his essay to a publisher and waited anxiously for her evaluation.
After a few days he found his essay in his house's back garden. He became angry and called the publisher to ask her about what was going on
The publisher said that she was very impressed by his essay but the essay was stolen from her car the night before along with other things when she was having dinner at a restaurant.
We conclude that the thieves didn't think as highly of the essay as she thought, so they threw it inside a garden fence. The garden was that of the essay's writer by coincidence!

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In 1805, French writer Émile Deschamps was treated to some plum pudding by the stranger "Monsieur de Fortgibu".
Ten years later, Deschamps went to have dinner in a restaurant in Paris, he encountered plum pudding on the menu and wanted to order some, but the waiter told him the last dish had already been served to another customer who turned out to be "de Fortgibu"!
Many years later, in 1832, Émile Deschamps was at a diner with some friends and was once again offered plum pudding. He recalled the earlier coincidence and told his friends that only de Fortgibu was missing to make the setting complete and in the same instant the now senile old "de Fortgibu" entered the room!!

In 1858, Robert Fallon was shot dead by one of those who were playing poker with him. They claimed that he had won 600 dollars through heating. No one dared to take Fallon's seat and none of the other players willing to take the now-unlucky $600 they found a new player to take Fallon’s place and staked him with the dead man’s $600.
By the time the police had arrived to investigate the killing the new player had turned the $600 into $2,200 in winnings. The police demanded the original $600 which Fallon had won before he died to pass them to his family.
Through investigation the police discovered that the new player was Fallon's son whom his father, Fallon hadn't seen him for 7 years!

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Josef Aigner was a famous portrait-painter in Austria in the 19th century, he wasn't happy in his life and made many attempts to commit suicide. The first one was when he was 18, he tried to hang himself but an unknown monk saved him.
When Josef Aigner became 22 he tried to hang himself once more but the same mysterious monk intervened and saved him!
After 8 years he was sentenced to be hanged because of his political activities, once again the intervention of the same monk saved him by abolishing death sentence.
When Aigner became 68 he succeeded in realizing his dream of suicide by shooting himself, again the mysterious "Capuchin" was present and conducted his funeral ceremony. Aigner died without knowing anything about the monk even his name!!

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