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Children For Sale "Full Story"

In the 20Th century forties, living conditions of Americans were not so good because of the Second World War. Although the USA witnessed an economic boom by the end of the war the result wasn`t reflected on all Americans. In addition, living conditions of many were bad. One of those who suffered was Ray Chalifoux: a truck driver who, unfortunately, was fired of his job, so he couldn`t supply food to his four children and wife or pay the house fare, so his family was threatened of expulsion and becoming homeless, so Ray and his wife decided to sell their children!

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On5 August 1948, The Viddette Messenger of Valparaiso newspaper published a photo of Mrs. Lucille Chalifoux offering her children for sale on the stairs of entrance of her house in Chicago!
In this tragic photo, the mother was shown hiding her face from the camera ashamed of her deed.
Her four children were shown at the stairs of the house entrance, up is the 6-years old Lana, next is her 5-year old sister RaeAnn, down is the 4year-old Milton, next to him is his younger sister Sue Ellen, beside them there is a signboard saying:
After two years of publishing the photo, the mother could sell her4 pre-mentioned children in addition to her 5th child David, who was in her womb when the photo.
2 of the children: RaeAnn and Milton were sold to the farmer John Zoeteman and his wife Ruth for 2 dollars only. The farmer and his wife took the2 children to their farm. They forced them to work hard for long hours daily, they tied them in the barn at night.
Milton said: "we used a corn knife to fight off the rats in the barn. My new father Zoiteman used to call me a SLAVE".
I asked him, once: "why he is so cruel to us?"
He replied: "If you went on being afraid, you must do what I tell you
Recently, when Milton became young, he was brought before judiciary after he quarreled with a police officer pushing him against a tree trunk. The judge considered him a danger to society and he was to choose either to go to a mental hospital a reformatory and because of the horrible stories about reformatory, Milton decided to go to the mental hospital. The doctors, there, discovered that temper tantrums were because of schizophrenia. He was treated and was set free in 1967.
RaeAnn’s situation wasn`t much better than her brother’s, she was kidnapped when she became 17,
she was raped and became pregnant with a child, she was sent to live in a home for unwed mothers. After giving birth, the baby was taken from her and adopted. At that stage, RaeAnn ran away from Zoetman`s farm, without looking backwards.
Concerning the youngest child David, who was in his mother`s womb when the photo was taken his family gave him to The McDaniel before he was 2years, Harry McDaniel and his wife Luella took the child from his parents in a pitiful state. The effects of bug bites covered all his tiny body. The family adopted David because they didn`t have children, so they treated him kindly and brought him up according to values and good morals. David`s new house was close to Zoeteman`s farm, he was used to ride his bike or his horse going to his brother and sister, Milton and RaeAnn, from time to time.
David said: My brother and sister were treated badly, I saw them tied in the barn whenever I went to visit them.”
Although David was living an easy life with his new family nevertheless, he was rebellious. He left The McDaniels when he became 17 and joined the American military and served there for 20 years,
He left the army at the age of 37. From that time on, David is working as a semitrailer driver in Washington.
As for Mrs. Lucille, she separated from her husband after they had bought their 5 children. She was married again and had four more daughters. She met her youngest son David only once when he was adult.
David says: As soon as my mom seen me, she said, you look just like your father, but, she never apologized. She got rid of all us children, and sold them, married someone else, had four more daughters. She kept them. She didn’t keep us".
We’re all human beings. We all make mistakes. She could’ve been thinking about the children, didn’t want them to die.
Mrs. Lucille also met her son Milton, he lived one month with her, but she threw him out when he got into a fight with her husband and the police arrested the husband.
Although life separated them, nevertheless, social media reunited them once more. In 2013
RaeAnn met her younger sister Sue Ellen who was adopted by Jhonson family. Sue Ellen suffered of lung disease and died at the same year. Few days before her death. Sue Ellen couldn`t speak, because of illness in an interview, therefore, she wrote the answers on a sheet of paper.
When she was asked about her sister RaeAnne, she wrote:
It’s fabulous. I love her
In the same interview, she wrote her view of her mother Lucille:
She needs to be in hell burning
As for their eldest sister, Lana, they could get in touch with her family and they knew that she had died in 1998 because of cancer.

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